FRANCE - 0.6 MW 6 RTB 100KW roof project rights with high legacy FITs
ROMANIA - 2.5 MW 2.5MW solar farm RTB project rights
FRANCE - 0.3 MW 3 RTB roof projects with high legacy FITs
FRANCE - 0.47 MW 7 operational roofs with high FITs
UKRAINE - 25 MW Very good FIT of 0,35 euros/kwh guaranteed until 2030.
FRANCE - 2.6 MW Portfolio of 29 new-build & retrofit roofs. Developer turnkey offer.
ITALY - 0.9 MW Operational solar farm (December 2012) Good FIT & high return
FRANCE - 0.693 MW Portfolio of operational and turnkey projects
ROMANIA - 5.4 MW 2 projects: 2,5MW & 2,9MW on neighbouring sites. Should be fully RTB with ATR early April. Sold rights only at competitive price.
FRANCE - 0.8 MW Operational roofs on single site. FIT of 0,42€/kwh.
ITALY - 5.5 MW 4 'in construction' solar farms on 2 sites. Will be completed before end 2012. Major international developer/EPC. Very good returns.
FRANCE - 6 MW 60 X 100KW new-build hangars. FIT: 0,2055€/kwh. Very competitive developer offer.
ROMANIA - 8 MW 3 solar farm projects on single site. Project rights package.
FRANCE - 1.5 MW 15 X 99KW new-build hangars. FIT: 0.2137€/kwh. Developer turnkey offer.
BULGARIA - 1.7 MW Operational solar farm. 25 year contract with high legacy FIT.
FRANCE - 1.86 MW Portfolio of 12 operational new-build hangars & retrofit roofs with FITs of 0,42€/kwh, 0,50€/kwh & 0,60€/kwh. South Central France.
FRANCE - 0.91 MW Portfolio of 10 existing roofs in multiple locations @ 0,50€/kwh & 0,60€/kwh. South East France.
BULGARIA - 2 MW Operational solar farm. 25 year contract with high legacy FIT.
BULGARIA - 1 MW Operational solar farm. 42% debt. 25 year contract with high legacy FIT. New reduced price.
GERMANY - 86.5 MW Portfolio of 18 projects across Germany, Spain, Italy & Czech Republic. 60% debt. Sold as package.
ROMANIA - 8.2 MW 3 solar farm project. (1 X 3,53MW & 2 X 2,36MW) Developer turnkey offer. Projects can be bought individually. 25+% Year 1 return!
FRANCE - 0.2 MW 2 new build hangars on a single site @ 0,42€/kwh. Haute Provence.
FRANCE - 8.2 MW Rare opportunity to pick up French solar farm project rights
FRANCE - 6.54 MW 6.54 MW Solar farms developer turnkey offer
FRANCE - 5.9 MW Large portfolio of RTB roof projects with high legacy FITs
FRANCE - 1.5 MW 15 X 100KW new-build hangar projects with FIT @ 21,5€c/kwh. Sold as PTF project rights.
FRANCE - 7.9 MW New build hangar projects. High FIT. Developer turnkey offer
FRANCE - 2.3 MW Retrofit existing roofs. High FIT. Developer turnkey offer.
UNITED KINGDOM - 9.5 MW 1 solar farm project. Planning in process - should be fully RTB 11/2012. Structured for double ROCs. Sold as rights package.
FRANCE - 4.5 MW Portfolio of 45 X 100KW new-build hangar projects @ 0,2883€/kwh, Southern France. PTF project rights.
FRANCE - 0.87 MW 2 new build hangars on single site @ 0,42€/kwh. South West France
FRANCE - 0.5 MW 2 new-build hangars on single site @ 0,60€/kwh. Central France
GREECE - 0.146 MW 146KWP solar farm in Northern Greece. High legacy FIT & high return.
ITALY - 0.842 MW 842 KWP solar fram in Abruzzo. High legacy FIT & high return.
GREECE - 2 MW RTB solar farm project with attractive FIT of 0,35€/kwh.
FRANCE - 3 MW Very rare opportunity to acquire project rights for a 3MW RTB French solar farm project. Very attractive FIT.
FRANCE - 0.326 MW 2 operational roofs with very high legacy FITs.
FRANCE - 0.1 MW 100KW operational roof. Perfect for private investor. Very good return with high 0,50€/kwh FIT rate.
UNITED KINGDOM - 2.1 MW 2 solar farms (0.5MW & 1.6MW) in construction - due to be completed by 30.11.12 Double ROCs. Developer turnkey offer.
UNITED KINGDOM - 53 MW 8 RTB solar farm projects. Developer turnkey offer. Double ROCs or FITs.
UNITED KINGDOM - 1.4 MW 17 commercial roofs - developer turnkey offer. Choice of FIT or ROCs. All projects to be completed by end of August 2012.
FRANCE - 3.8 MW Semi-permitted portfolio of 38 new build hangar & retrofit roof projects @ 0,1751€/kwh in development.
UNITED KINGDOM - 5 MW Operational solar farm - grid connected June 2012. Price recently reduced for quick sale.
FRANCE - 1.4 MW Portfolio of 14 X 100KW new-build hangar projects @ 0,26€/kwh, developer turnkey offer. South East France. Now back on the market following exclusivity period with a lower price.
ITALY - 3.9 MW 7 operational solar farms using dual axis trackers. High legacy FIT rates. 75% debt.
UNITED KINGDOM - 10.75 MW 4 portfolios of operational domestic roofs. Average size 2.7KW.
UNITED KINGDOM - 5.05 MW Portfolio of 50KW commercial roof projects. Turnkey offer. Must be completed before end-July to benefit from higher FIT rate.
FRANCE - 4.7 MW Portfolio of 47 X 100KW new-build hangar projects @ 0,2883€/kwh, Southern France. PTF project rights. New offer, previously offered as turnkey package.
FRANCE - 1.05 MW 9 existing roofs on a single site @ 0,628€/kwh. Paris area.